
5 Reasons to Use Voice Technology for E Commerce Website

As technology progresses, your e-commerce website needs to keep up. Following all the new technology trends can be exhausting, but you need to be aware that innovation brings sales. The more advanced your website is, the better your results will be. The key is to know which innovations are worth your attention and which are just a waste of time and money. Voice technology is definitely an upgrade that can improve your business.

 Just consider that Gartner foresees that by the year 2020, 30% of all web-browsing sessions will be managed without a screen. If you jump on board with such movements from the very start, you’ll position yourself as a leader in your niche.

When did it all start?

With the emergence of Alexa, Siri, Google Assistant, and Microsoft Cortana, voice technology has made a lasting imprint on our lives. What used to seem like science-fiction, has now become a part of our everyday life.

Voice technology entered our lives slowly and now it is ready to conquer new markets. Voice-driven user experience for an e-commerce website is an existing change but it is yet to become a widespread phenomenon.

However, the number of marketers, technology experts, innovators, and business owners who support voice commerce is rising. So, let’s address what this term refers to.

What is voice commerce?

Voice commerce makes the online purchasing experience easier for customers since it enables them to make a purchase without using a keyboard or a mouse. They can complete their order or browse through the website with simple voice commands.

With voice commerce, customers can complete an order while they are cooking, driving, or preparing for work. It is quick, easy, and effective.

Voice shopping consumer adoption report lists the following top reasons why consumers enjoy voice shopping:

  1. It’s hands-free
  2. It’s possible to do it while doing other things
  3. It’s faster to get answers and results

All the users need is a virtual assistant and a mobile phone or a smart speaker. The most popular smart speakers are Amazon Echo (powered by Alexa) and Google Home (powered by Google Assistant).

Why use voice technology for an e-commerce website?

  • It gathers valuable information
  • It improves the shopping experience on mobile phones
  • It boosts engagement
  • It shows your progressiveness
  • It increases the number of sales

The list of arguments that support how voice commerce is beneficial to an online business is practically endless. As Nicolle Garrison from Live Inspired Magazine states, quality research is the key to expertise. That is why we did some research on our own and sourced five main reasons that justify all the hype about voice technology.

 1. It gathers valuable information

Marc Lore, CEO of the e-commerce division of Walmart, explains that the reason why he supports this trend is that voice-controlled virtual assistants help companies gather customer data to provide more personalized services. He said the following about voice technology:

“Voice is the next big way for us to be able to leverage data from a person’s car, home, or device. It will allow them to shop in a very conversational way with a robot, in the same that they would with a specialist on a showroom floor of a retailer.”

A personalized experience is what every retailer aims for so here is a way to provide that to your customers.

 2. It improves the shopping experience on mobile phones

Due to our busy lives, mobile phones are one constant in our daily routines that we can always grab for.

Bethany Stone, the head of the marketing department at Studicus shares her findings on the subject:

“It was predicted that by 2019, nearly 72% of marketing dollars will be spent on mobile app development and promotions for mobile platforms. The increase in mobile purchases indicts that every e-commerce owner needs to work on this aspect.”

Using voice technology for an e-commerce website is another way to improve shopping on mobile phones. It can be one of the factors that will power the number of sales.

 3. It boosts engagement

With creativity and imagination, you can easily take voice technology to the next level. Some known brands have found a new way to make use of this feature – creating engaging content.

Take the whiskey brand Johnnie Walker as an example. They developed an Alexa skill that asks the customers about their preferences in order to find a whiskey that suits their specific taste. After that, it suggests a Johnnie Walker product that would be the best choice.

This is the perfect example of how brands use voice technology to boost engagement and build a strong connection with their customers.

 4. It shows your progressiveness

Both your customers and competitors will have to respect the effort you put into your business if you start using voice technology.

Businesses who are always on top of the game are admirable and trustworthy. Just think about it, a company that invests in its development must believe in the quality of its products.

Using voice commerce is a great way to launch an innovative marketing campaign. Make this feature public with a clever promotion. Use writing services like Trust My Paper or Best Essay Education to come up with an original idea.

For perfecting marketing content, turn to professionals at Grab My Essay who are experts in both writing and editing. Lastly, just run the content through Readable.

 5. It increases the number of sales

The road from browsing for products to making the purchase is full of obstacles. The abandoned cart rate and bounce rate is what every serious business owner analyzes and tries to decrease.

Voice technology is a method for achieving that. Considering that the purchase process is much shorter with voice commerce, the customer will have less time to change its mind.

Impulse purchases tend to be the ones that bring the most money. Voice technology speeds up the customers’ decisions and doesn’t leave them much time to think about it.

By improving the browsing and buying process with voice technology, you’ll actually be doing both you and your customers a favor. Customers will be able to do their shopping in no time and you’ll get your increased sales rate.

Is voice technology the next big thing in e-commerce?

Voice commerce can drastically improve user experience and strengthen the bond between the brand and the buyer. People expect novelties from successful businesses, and voice technology in the e-commerce niche is a novelty that you shouldn’t ignore.

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