
AI in 2019 What Tech Companies are Believing On

The future is here!!
From fighting terminal illnesses to developing a companion for the elderly, technology companies like Apple, Google, Microsoft, and Alibaba share their expectations for the coming year.

One can expect to see more, not less of AI in the coming......

Explainable Artificial Intelligence An inflection point in AI Journey

God created humans and they, in turn, created AI algorithms. Neither human decisions nor AI decisions are fully interpretable or explainable. What then, is interpretable and explainable? Per the English dictionary, ‘interpret’ means understand, construe, infer, deduce, decipher, unrav......

How Artificial Intelligence AI is Helping to Make Blockchain Safer

Blockchain and artificial intelligence (AI) are two industries that often exhibit similar characteristics and draw interest from like-minded individuals. Blockchain startup SingularityNET has even created an open marketplace for developers and organizations to trade AI algorithms with e......

Does AI give birth to new Technological Era in Mobile Application

The emergence of artificial intelligence has paved a new era in mobile application development. For quite some time, mobile app developers have made an extensive amount of progress in their innovation through AI.

Take for the example of Apple’s SIRI. It has been used for quit......

AI Changing Dynamics Of Banking Sector

Nowadays, it hardly seems a day or week goes by without taking the name of a company that joins the rank of organizations using their own virtual assistants. From news agencies to normal stores, each is getting driven by some kind of artificial intelligence. So, it is not surprising to see the ba......

Benefits of AI in healthcare industry

Artificial Intelligence in the healthcare sector provides a great new transformational force that will bring about improvements for diverse clinical specialties as well as hospital operations. Some major changes are certainly required in the healthcare industry as there are innumerable opportunit......

Opportunity for AI in the Near Future

Artificial intelligence programming especially deep learning and machine learning was present everywhere in 2018, so you don’t think that this hype will die down over the next coming months or years. Of course, this hype will dry down in two to three years, where artificial intell......

Search Engine Optimization Tips to Make Your Website More SEO Friendly

SEO, the oft-used abbreviation for Search Engine Optimization, has become a widespread buzzword in today's digital domain. It's a term thrown around by professionals and novices alike, regardless of their level of understanding or expertise in the field.

However, even if......

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