
IoT The Best Option In Mobile App Development

Mobile apps are omnipresent. No, it is not a joke or statement, but a mere fact. For everything, there is always an app available. If you don’t believe, then check out the Apple or Android store and you will come across thousands of apps that provide a wide range of purposes. So, whether it is to order food, book a cab or purchase any cloth or even make a payment, it is all done through mobile apps.

Mobile Apps, Organizations & IoT

In today’s competitive market, mobile apps have become a major tool for organizations to stay ahead. Not only to interact with customers, but mobile apps are also used for tracking orders, facilitating collaboration with employees, managing the supply chain, overseeing the work process, etc. Construction, manufacturing, healthcare, financial service – name any services; apps have become a huge necessity everywhere.

Recently, there has been extensive growth in the application of the internet of things (IoT). And this has impacted mobile application development and mobile app development company/companies in a great way. Furthermore, developers have started to analyze the requirement of integrating IoT and apps and even exploring the potential of the synchronization.

As there is huge attention garnering for the IoT in various developer communities, let’s check how it upgrades the mobile app development process and the work process of a custom software development company and why one needs it.

Defining IoT

Googling “What is IoT” will show various definitions and answers which are quite technical.

“The Internet of Things (IoT) is a system of interrelated computing devices, mechanical and digital machines, objects, animals or people that are provided with unique identifiers and the ability to transfer data over a network without requiring human-to-human or human-to-computer interaction.” – A crabby technical explanation of IoT

Simple Definition of IoT

You might be reading this post on your mobile phone or desktop or maybe on a tablet. Irrespective of which device you are using, it is connected to the internet.

Unlike other programming languages, Python is high level OOPs based, general-purpose and interpreted programming language which never repeats itself. Its major focus is on the rapid development of an application.

No doubt, an internet connection is simply a great thing as it provides a great number of benefits which was something that wasn’t possible previously. If you are an individual of 2000 millennials, i.e. before the era of the smartphones, your cellphone the only function was to call and text. But now, it is much more than that. You can watch unlimited movies, read the latest books, and listen to your favorite songs, right on the palm of your hand. These are just some of the tiny things which your smartphone can do.

So, all the things connected to the internet will provide great benefits and we surely know the benefits laptops, smartphones and tablets provide. The Internet of Things (IoT) is a simple concept. It simply means taking all the things in the world and then connecting them online.

Importance of IoT

Now when some devices are connected online, it means it can receive or send information or even do both. So, this particular ability to receive or sending information makes things smart and surely smart is great.

Let’s take the example of smartphones. You can listen to any song in the world and it is not because the song is stored on your phone. Here all the songs are stored someplace else and your phone simply does the function of sending the information (which is nothing but asking for the song) and it gets the information (streaming the song on the phone).

For being smart, a device doesn’t need to be a supercomputer or have super storage. All it needs to do is just get connected with a supercomputer or super storage. So, being connected is great.

With regard to the Internet of Things, all things that are connected to the internet is categorized into three categories-

  • Things which collect information and send it
  • Things which receive information and act on it
  • Things that do both

Changing IoT World Through Mobile Apps

A mobile phone without any apps is just an illusion. Seriously, it isn’t a joke and not something to exaggerate, but makes you aware of the current tech condition.

Right from AR to IoT and VR, the contribution of mobile apps and a custom software development company is huge and so for the success of the IoT, mobile apps are immensely required. Now the question you might ask is what makes IoT mainstream into this digital world. Well, it is cloud computing, mobile tech trend, and wireless tech.

Over a decade, business lifestyle and methodologies have been altered due to the wide acceptance and evolution of mobile apps. Also, it isn’t consumer apps that are working for the increase in IoT trends, even enterprise apps have begun to accept IoT and started to get benefit from the same. So, it is not surprising to see that more and more enterprises, the mobile app development company, and businesses are looking forward to adapting to the IoT.

Benefits Of IoT

There are some genuine benefits that IoT provides like –

  • Connecting a device to a smartphone provides complete access and control over the features that are given by all gadgets and machines.
  • Using many devices through the Internet will allow apps to push the notification direct to your mobile phone. So, this allows one to take control of the system while you are away.

A brand new movement related to app development that is specific to IoT apps is going to be launched by IoT. Now, these apps will combine various components like sensors, connected devices, cloud, networking, and even analytics.

These so-called components will provide permutations and myriad combinations that even allows one to develop new apps for unique and different purposes.

Industries having a huge impact due to IoT

  • Health And Fitness
  • Technology And Software
  • Manufacturing
  • E-Commerce & Retail
  • Transport & Mobility
  • Infrastructure

Is IoT Really Safe & Secure

For many years, organizations were struggling with the decision of whether to adopt cloud as a good source of data storage due to security concerns. No doubt, cloud vendors were able to circumvent most of these concerns, and those organizations who were greatly concerned with the security quickly selected the most hybrid approach so that they could take advantage of the cloud.

But the extensive amount of interconnectedness provided by IoT will lead to some concerns related to security and privacy. Now if all your gadgets and devices are connected to the network, and controlled by the use of a smartphone, it will open huge possibilities for hacking in an easy manner.

Now the hacking can happen or occur from any source like from corporations, governments, or even hackers who are spying on you. Of course, there might be a huge amount of sensitive data and this can be at risk. Even if it is not a sensitive data, it might be data which you aren’t comfy in sharing with others.

To be fair, it is great to know that there are ongoing battles among governments all over the world and various countries with regard to how much far it comes for getting information related to their citizens and that too from indirect means. But until then, it is still unclear where the privacy issue and security is headed.

However, consumers are right on board with regard to the concept of interconnectedness. Also, they are quite keen to see how this leverage will make lives better and easy. With regard to enterprises and business, they are a bit skeptical, however, they even want to know what IoT can do for them due to the promise it shows.

There is various business which are running several devices online and they are quite careful in adding a huge layer of security and maximizing the response time as well as efficiency. One of the major discussion points involved in the development and running of enterprise applications developed by a custom software development company is security. Most importantly, IoT can easily improve the defense barriers adding physical devices so that they become the major point of entry.

Wrapping Up

It is great to see that not only users enjoy the benefits of the IoT even the mobile apps users are getting a share of it, thereby helping to reinvent their app development.

Along with the growth of IoT, mobile app development also grows. Now both of them will make an extensive contribution to each other’s growth and bring about extensive convenience to users all over the world. So, this will allow developers to coordinate with each other and create the best apps.

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